Виктор Савенко::Biography




There are so many people singing on radio and TV nowadays! One can listen to songs of a TV-show host, a radio DJ, an actor, a politician, a daughter of a tycoon etc. Every person possessing some certain amount of money can please himself and become a new-born shining star of some music circuit, gradually gaining popularity and titles like “The Golden Voice” of some country, continent or the whole world. The extent to which a star-fever develops is proportional to a person’s vanity and pride.

Once you’ve paid some million-dollar sum to a production company for your promotion you get an unbelievable story of yourself, a catchy pop-song (the same as a thousand other songs), a provocatively sexual video and a rapid flight of public interest.

Not to let your popularity slump you may appear in a juicy scandal, strip some parts of your body or swear your endless love to the people. And if you still feel it’s not enough then dating or marrying some other “star” is sure to help.

Unfortunately, mass-culture is not seen as serving the mission of spiritual enrichment of a nation anymore.

As for the very notion of “art for the nation” in Russia, it simply doesn’t exist. For it to develop, first of all, genuine talents instead of pre-paid mass-media icons are needed. A real talent should have an aptitude for quick learning and a harmonically developed taste that can help to bring natural gift to perfection. Genuine talents are versatile but very rare. It takes years to cut and polish the diamond of talent, turning it into mastery. This implies devoting one’s whole life to art, becoming “a votary of art”, rejecting all worldly amusements.

 To understand the nature of people’s spirits and tastes rather than to entertain them with uniform awkwardly-made ditties is the mission of a real talent. People must not be treated as a faceless mass of primitive things enjoying thieves’ cant or tavern music.

Nowadays everyone has a right to listen to true music, which is spiritual, professional and modern, based on the best traditions of European and American culture (classical, rock-, pop- and jazz-music).

Who can cope with such a challenge? - Only a talented musician. The task gets even harder because of the fact, that the today’s “Kings and Queens” of show-business are not really willing to make way for young talents.

The result is that we do not see real professionals on stage. Sometimes it can seem to the listener who takes the music he hears for granted that everything is just the way it should be. But such belief disappears when a person gets under a charm of a real talent which inevitably causes the reaction of wonder. At first, such lucky men experience a light shock which is further replaced by infinite delight and a feeling of unearthly happiness. Once it happens – the whole life of a person can change forever.


Everything written above can be ascribed to the life of the main character of this narration, who needs no unbelievable legends of himself. The events he has had in his life could be enough for a dozen of biographies.

So here he is – an unknown in Russia, yet well-known and popular in many other countries of the world – the singer VIKTOR.  A realist, philosopher and maximalist by nature, a gifted artist – his personality is characterized by merging of mysticism and intelligence, humanism and versatile spirit, a bearer of concealed knowledge and a possessor of an unmatched voice which has no analogues among modern world performers. Viktor has created his own unforgettable style of singing which makes it impossible to stay indifferent after his performances.

Why don’t we hear so much of this person? From the very beginning of his singing career Viktor has not had a goal of a world-wide fame, fast money and his pleased pride. He would not act against his conscience or waive existing morals and universal values. His only wish has always been to sing his songs like no other person on the Earth.

In the earliest times of Viktor’s creative development a worldwide-known couturier was ready to offer him all kinds of assistance. The same willingness was expressed by one influential lady, a bigwig of one Russian TV channel. Both “Maecenases” asked only for “one little thing” in return – they wanted Viktor just to satisfy their depraved caprices. It is no secret that today it is quite hard to make one’s way to the Russian show-business stage without such abasements and vast sums of money. Nevertheless Viktor naturally rejected such baseness. That resulted in being cut out from Russian broadcasting of certain channels. Only thanks to the chief executive of The First Channel of Russia Constantine Ernst Viktor’s music video «Conte Della Terra» was shown to the millions of people.

Yet it is impossible to understand everything written above without knowing the whole of Viktor’s life voyage…


The Enigma of Lineage

(The Family Legend)


To generate a Russian is very easy: one only needs to settle a Tatar, a Pole and a Ukrainian somewhere in between Volga and Amur. Their two or three further generations’ descendant having read Pushkin, the African by parentage, becomes a Russian. Such junction in combination with high spirituality lays down the basis for Russian vitality, Russian character, and Russian soul.

Viktor’s lineage is an example of such kinship. Although he himself still finds some blank spots in his family’s history.

Viktor’s maternal great grandfather Dratskevich had Polish and Ukrainian roots. The greater part of his life he served as a precentor of the Orthodox Church of Moscow. He could have been proud of his descendant – Viktor was a soloist of the choir in Petropavlovsky Cathedral of Tomsk in his eighteen.

Yet Viktor’s paternal roots keep many secrets and mysteries.

At the beginning of the XIX century father superiors of several cloisters in Eastern Tibet sent an ecclesiastical mission to Altai in order to verify the supposition of some ancient legends that Buddha visited that place.

After years of pilgrimage Tibet Lamas reached Altai. Viktor’s family legend passes over in silence if they found facts proving the legends, but one thing is known for sure: one religious exhausted after the long passage could not continue the way and stayed in Altai forever. He was the one to establish a new dynasty.

Nevertheless the lamas were on the target. Nowadays the place named Gorny Altai equally with Tibet is acknowledged to be a spiritual centre of the planet, a place where Shambala is situated, i.e. a centre of esoteric wisdom hidden from intrusions of the profane. In other words, it is the spot where a singular contact of the Earth with the space takes place. After Rerich family’s visit the “Altai Phenomenon” got worldwide-known and became a destination for numerous religious palmers.

It was here where Viktor was born. It seems that he is a person who feels the forces of different nations, of nature and space inside.


Early Fancies


So Viktor and his sister Galina were born in Altai’s worst area barracks. The place was commonly sarcastically called “Riviera” by the locals.

The twins were given birth three month earlier than expected. The existing statistics shows that such babies do not usually have many chances to live especially those weighing less than one and a half kilogram. But these twins had great luck and pulled through.

The children were brought up by their grandmother, Galina Savenko, a strong-willed and persistent person who introduced something resembling Spartan upbringing in the family including physical exercises and dousing with cold water. At the age of four the children joined swimming classes and after fifteen years of training Viktor got the degrees of Master of Sports Candidate and became a bronze medallist of Russian Junior Championship. His sister Galina became an absolute champion of Russia, Europe and the World in rowing and got the degree of Russia’s Honoured Master of Sports.

During his school years Viktor went in for other sports - equestrian, fencing and oriental martial arts. He also took interest in mathematics, physics, poetry, arts, inlay, woodcarving, modelling and even electrolytic metallurgy and explosive assemblies.

Here are Viktor’s memories of his childhood:

“I spent my entire childhood without my father who had disappeared not long before I and my sister were born and vouchsafed us no attention. Perhaps constantly feeling out of it because of the family situation I was always trying to outrun my peers. People like me, fatherless children, always feel socially outcast. There is always a strong wish to overtake the others and not to become a “white crow”. And while you are doing your best not to fall behind you suddenly find yourself way ahead. I was tearing along throughout my whole childhood in search of myself”…


A Young Businessman


Viktor’s mother and his grandmother did their best not to let the children feel morally or financially bereft. However Viktor from his earliest years wanted to be materially independent.

When he was six he decided to earn his first money. His granny in addition to her three jobs at the weekends washed stair platforms of the five-story block of flats of the Khrushchev era which they moved to from “Riviera”.  The ready-witted boy soon started to do that instead of her receiving his first pay.

Then Viktor got engaged in numismatics and philately which also brought him some money as he used to exchange coins and stamps with neighbourhood boys.

At the age of ten the young “entrepreneur” asked his mother, Lyudmila, to order a thirty-volume reference book - The Big Soviet Encyclopaedia which served as the main source of knowledge at that time like now does the Internet. Leafing through the books Viktor came across an article about aquarian fish breeding. He got a brilliant idea. After a half a year one could find numerous racks and aquariums made with Viktor’s own hands in his flat. The greatest of all was the aquarium with 340 litres capacity.  And when another six months passed some of Barnaul’s central market vendors sold his “products” – guppy, platy, gourami, betta, golden carp and even neon baby fishes. This “business” was much more pleasant than stairs washing and much more profitable than stamps and coins exchange.

Twelve-year-old Viktor and Galina spent a whole summer working as loaders at Barnaul’s furniture plant. How surprised their Mum was (she had a job of principal engineer of “Khimvolokno” complex) to know that her children earned even more than she herself did!


Leonardo Da Vinci Lessons


In these years Vitor already felt craving for different kinds of handicraft. The same Big Soviet Encyclopaedia gave Viktor information on inlaid work and he mastered this technology. To earn money for the family Viktor encrusted various caskets with nacre which he sold, exchanged for something or gave as presents.

Another thing Viktor learned from the Encyclopaedia was electroplating. How glad Viktor’s mother was when she received a huge sparkling crab-casket plated with copper for Mother’s Day. Victor himself caught that Black Sea crab in summer.

The next Viktor’s achievement became carpet weaving. He saw a picture of the most famous Persian carpet in the Encyclopaedia and read that it was impossible to copy its ornamental pattern. Viktor, of course, immediately got a strong desire to prove that there was nothing impossible for him.  Studying the magazine “Science and Life” he came across a guide for “home carpet weaving”. To fulfil the plan he needed a lot of bright woollen threads which were very expensive. So he decided to unknit old woollen blankets and to dye the threads with aniline dye. As a source of white threads Viktor had to use his own Angora wool sweater. He worked secretly in his room in order to surprise his mother later. After five months on the night before her birthday Viktor hung the unbelievably beautiful carpet on one of the walls in the living room. The carpet was not very big because Viktor did not have too much money to weave it. In the morning Viktor’s mother was overwhelmed. Astonished, she kept asking where Viktor had found so much money for the present and would not believe for a long time that her twelve-year-old son made it himself in his room.

When he was seventeen, being a student of the Tomsk State Medical University, Viktor unexpectedly learned the old Flemish technology of laminated painting. Using oil paints layer by layer he practically accurately copied the picture of Giorgione “Sleeping Venus”. The work was almost over when one morning a rector check-up in the hostel where Viktor and his groupmate lived was organized. When the rector of the Tomsk State Medical University M. Medvedev and the committee entered Viktor’s room they saw Viktor standing in the middle of the room in front of the easel, his arms in paint, and his mate Igor Mordovsky snoring in bed. Seeing a gorgeous naked body in Viktor’s picture the rector did not scold him but ordered the committee to get him involved in the common room decoration instead. “Judging by the proportions you’ve studied human anatomy well” – said M. Medvedev smiling. “And who is that person sleeping in the lectures time?” – he pointed sternly to Mordovsky. “He is my apprentice. He got really tired because he kept constantly holding and brining me brushes last night” – parried Viktor.


The Story of One Talent


Viktor was a five-year-old boy when he persuaded his grandmother to send him to a music school to play the violin. Why did he choose the violin? In Russia it is considered to be the Queen of Music. And Viktor did not want to squander his gifts on trifles. So he was easily admitted because his teacher to be, an old Jewish dynasty of violinists descendant, Robert Leykam found out that the boy had practically absolute pitch.

Viktor started to make progress immediately and after a short while he already performed as a premier violinist of an orchestra in Barnaul’s Philharmonic music hall. And when he was finishing the school he could play as a graduate of a specialized college of music, according to his teacher.

Those years were the time when Viktor started to sing. He was a soloist of a childish choir and also he made two records with his singing of some Robertino Loretti songs, who was very popular at that time. But singing was something that Viktor did under the lash.  He was known as a madcap among his peers and music could ruin his public image. This led to Viktor’s decision to give up singing in spite of all teachers’ persuasions. But as it appeared later, this decision was not final.

Playing the violin however was something that Viktor really liked. In his dreams he pretended to be Niccolo Paganini. Seeing the progress of the boy and feeling how much he loved the violin Viktor’s teacher helped him to get a real relic treasure – a violin made by an XVIII century master Antonio dala Costa, the pupil of great Guarnieri. For Viktor’s grandmother buying a piece of wood costing the same as a new “Volga”-car was equal to a feat!

However Viktor’s first years of studying at the music school were not so unclouded. One day Viktor got involved in the event that the pupils and the teachers of the school would remember forever.

 Apparently, the young violinist already got inclinations for psychiatry. He strangely managed to irritate his naturally calm and civilized teacher so much that in a fit of temper he broke the violin striking the stubborn boy’s little but strong head. At home Viktor told his grandmother that the bump was the result of a brick fallen from above in a doorway. There was no point in telling the truth – it sounded too unbelievable. Moreover it was quite usual for the boy to get bumps – he used to be often involved in different fights with boys from other schools or districts. Viktor’s mother used to tell him: “Poor you! Poor your little head! You’ll become either a genius or a fool!” As the future proved Viktor definitely did not become a fool…

Having reached the age of fourteen Viktor experienced the process of voice breaking. He suddenly started to sing as a bass and it got less shameful for him to sing. A human voice is a fragile and unpredictable thing. Very often it happens so that boys with a strong voice lose it after the breaking. Viktor was an exception to the rule. At first he had a bass voice, then he felt the rise to a baritone, and finally, he found himself singing as a tenor, as an amazing tenor! It was impossible not to pay attention to that beautiful unusual and strong voice when Viktor started to sing along in a company. However Viktor still was ashamed of his voice considering singing a girls’ prerogative.

         Viktor spent a few years keeping silence. One day, when the student of the Medical University was about to get his C in pathophysiology, professor Novitsky who was the head of the amateur theatre of young scientists and who organized festivities for the University in his free time, suggested Viktor to improve his mark by singing in his theatre for the audience of fifteen hundred. Wondering how Viktor found himself in the Tomsk State Medical University? It was easy as ABC. The only thing he was really scared of these years was blood. Here is the clue. Fight fire with fire. However, he displayed originality in this case as well. At his entrance exams Viktor contrived to do Math and Physics tasks in two different ways to surely enter the University (the competition was one of the toughest in Tomsk). Fortunately, he was among the best pupils in these subjects at his physico-mathematical school №42.

         But let's go back to the audience of fifteen hundred of the Drama Theatre and the Tomsk State Medical University celebrations.

         When Viktor, fighting with his own fear, sang the last note of "It's now or never" by Elvis Presley, the audience broke into applause. After the performance the professor of the Novosibirsk Music Conservatory Lev Studen came up to Viktor and said that it would be a crime for such a talent not to get a proper education.

         So the next 5 years Viktor spent studying, performing and travelling between two cities - Tomsk and Novosibirsk, between the university and the music conservatory. Viktor calculated that during his university years he covered the distance one could cover travelling four times around the entire Earth.

         After his successful performance in the Drama Theatre, Viktor visited the Republic of Georgia as a part of Tomsk delegation to take part in the Week of the Tomsk region culture in Georgia. Also he gave concerts in the United Kingdom together with the band "Nuance".


The Georgian Story


         After his performance at the Tomsk State Medical University anniversary celebrations the Tomsk region Department of Culture noticed Viktor. No wonder that soon he was invited to join the Tomsk delegation of musicians and dancers to win hot-tempered hearts of Georgian people. The act was a part of a governmental program called the “Week of the Tomsk Region Culture in Georgian Republic”. It was an extraordinary event. How is Tomsk region related to Georgia? There were rumours that the event was organized in answer to the incredibly warm welcome of Georgian Artists Nani Bregvadze and Vakhtang Kikabidze in Tomsk.

         They said that almost all the annual budget of the Regional Department of Culture was spent on the reception of the distinguished guests.

         It is not known whether it was true or not but six months after the famous Georgian artists' tour in Tomsk the TU-154 was equipped under the aegis of the Department of Culture with the musicians of the Tomsk symphony orchestra, world-wide known dancers Ilyushenovs, the world-famous guitarist Alexei Zimakov and other musicians of Tomsk. Viktor found himself in this lively company with his guitar. There is no need to give the details of the tour. The only thing that is worth mentioning is that hospitability of Georgian people surpassed expectations. On the way from the airport to the city centre, in the main streets of Tbilisi there were a lot of banners hanged and a lot of advertising panels placed to welcome the friends from Tomsk. For the gala-concert the government of Georgia provided the artists with the biggest concert hall in Tbilisi with five thousand seats. Being on tour in Tbilisi at the same time Broadway Theatre from the USA had to occupy a far more modest hall. In spite of the tough competition with Americans and the big seating capacity of the hall all tickets for Tomsk artists were sold out in a lot of months advance. When the buses with the artists were passing by the concert hall, everybody was joyfully greeting the Siberians. At the day of the concert on the stairs of the hall appeared a huge queue of people willing to see the performance and ready to buy tickets from a ticket tout.

         The concert succeeded. The government, the Georgian elite and all music lovers were there in the hall. After the breathtaking performance all the Tomsk artists were invited to a stand-up party at the Georgian Government’s office. There were rivers of wine, there were mountains of fruit and there was a tempting smell of excellent juicy kebabs - the national boast. Everything created the unforgettable national colour at the farewell party. The artists almost didn't sleep before the flight, because soon after the party, feeling happy and tipsy, they were taken to the hotel to pack belongings and then brought to the airport. Almost a half of the concert audience came to the airport to see them off and the national orchestra played for them. The Government of Georgia gave each performer a 20-litre can of fine Georgian wine of that year's yield.

         The most memorable moment on the way back home for Viktor was that when a frightened stewardess tried to persuade the amused musicians to take their seats because the airplane careened to a side. After landing in Tomsk the heroes were met by the hacked together orchestra comprised by the rest of the musicians. Accompanied by a false but cheerful march bohemian passengers were almost crawling out of the plane which had miraculously landed, with their half emptied cans of wine. And after a half an hour there was no sober person at the airport. A tiny part of Georgia came back to the Tomsk land and maybe stayed in the hearts of Tomsk performers forever.

         Sometimes it seems that if Georgia was spoken to in the language of wine and music there would not appear any misunderstandings with this great and hospitable nation.


Conquering “the Foggy Albion

         After his trip to Georgia Viktor was invited as a soloist to take part in the British tour of the popular ensemble "Nuance", since there was a conflict with the former soloist - Sergei Arshavsky. The membership of "Nuance" was very unusual for that time:

Dmitry Pushkarev - a born parodist and mimic. He could easily imitate animal voices, sounds of nature, he parodied well-known artists, created unforgettable funny performances, and he played at least a dozen of Russian folk instruments;
         Sergei Kireev perfectly played the guitar, and he also was the composer of the ensemble;
         Magomed Archakov sang and played the banjo, the accordion, he created a colourful image of the boy from the mountain Ingush village, he wrote lyrics of the following kind:
“Humble village. Three back roads.
Three old women. Two she-goats.
One old gelding, daddy, me
That’s my homeland. Can you see?”

Later he became a Minister of Communications of Ingush Republic.
         Marc-Boris Saveliev used to break ladies' hearts. He played the balalaika and was the only one who had two names.
         Alexander Krasnoslobodtsev was the musical director and the arranger of the ensemble; he played the contrabass and the piano.
         Before his trip to the UK, Viktor had been performing with "Nuance" in Russia for several months. He was the soloist and played the violin, he impressed the audience with a range of voices from a deep bass to a female soprano. Viktor could speak English well, so later he had to act as a presenter in concerts during the foreign tours.

That tour was financed by the Church of England. One of the requirements of the agreement included performances in the churches of London, Sheffield and the county of Surrey, special places of detention for recidivists, retirement homes and boarding houses for children with the Down’s syndrome. In addition to songs of their own repertoire the artists had to learn the whole lot of Anglican singings. Having studied all the details of the agreement the guys felt some king of prostration for some time. However their wish to see “the Foggy Albion” with their own eyes was much stronger than the fear of executing such a difficult program and so the ensemble “Nuance” took the decision to acquaint all classes of English society with the original culture of Russia.

Fulfilling the plan appeared to be not so easy. It turned out that their time registered in the waiting list of the British Embassy had been given to some other persons for some certain sum of money. There they were, the members of the ensemble “Nuance” with a huge contrabass, standing in the middle of the Domodedovo-Airport in Moscow realizing that they had nowhere to go. They didn’t even have the money to buy tickets home. Starting their trip the presuming travellers were absolutely confident about bringing a huge honorarium back and didn’t bother their parents who had to fork out much money to pay for their children’s way to London.

What were they supposed to do? Viktor made a phone call to Armour, the journalist of London’s BBC, and tried to explain the situation. With her great assistance some townsmen of Camberley in the county of Surrey sent a fax with an invitation for the annual harvest festival for the members of the ensemble and asked one of the town’s residents who worked in the British Embassy in Moscow to help with the visa. The matter was extremely important – no other music group from Russia had had concerts in England before – the “Time Machine” and the “Zvuki Mu” managed to visit England only a year after the Nuance’s tour.

The worker of the embassy explained that the only thing he could do was to admit one of the artists to the embassy’s territory, otherwise he would be fired. He could not give any guarantees of their receiving the visa. As Viktor was the only person able to express himself in English he was appointed to take risk and to illegally pass through the embassy’s territory to the trailer of the administrative staff which was standing in the courtyard in front of the gate obstructing the way for a crowd of citizens willing to get their visas.

Having reached the place without being noticed Viktor concealed himself in the shadow of a high stone wall fencing the embassy’s courtyard. He chose a “victim” with his eyes – a pretty young Englishwoman – and started to hypnotize her with his enigmatic look. The embarrassed girl kept glancing at the peculiar-looking tall young man and after a little while she started to realize what the eyes of the eastern “tempter” were praying for without any words. Several times she went outside in confusion in order to bring coffee for the occupants of the trailer who couldn’t do without it in such an unbearable heat. Each time Viktor gallantly opened the door for her and silently implored her to help occasionally whispering something and showing the magic fax-invitation. To the left of the young girl there was a typical English “old shrew” who was strictly keeping her eye on the doubtful colleague ready to give in. Nevertheless after four hours of the psychological attack the young worker decided to break the working discipline’s rules and beckoned Viktor with her fine finger. Not able to believe the fortune he rushed to the window ready to serenade his lady-rescuer till the next morning. Ten minutes passed and everything was over. The happy victor came out through the gate accompanied with astonished and suspicious looks of the crowd. Viktor told his fellow-musicians about the luck and headed for an enormous bouquet of red roses. When after a couple of hours the same pretty lady was handing out the passports with visas to few lucky men Viktor presented her with those gorgeous flowers…

         However it was not the end to the Moscow’s trying experience of the musicians. To dispel his unconscious doubts Viktor happened to phone the customs office of Moscow and ask if he could transport an antique Italian violin to England. To his horror he was told that for this purpose he needed a special series of documents including a bunch of specific photos certified by the seal of the Ministry of Culture on resolution of committee of the Glinka State Central Museum of Musical Culture. The committee worked only two days a week and there was only one photographer specializing in this field in Moscow.

         Fortune smiled on the musicians again. On one of the three days left before the departure the committee assembled. It still remains a riddle for the “Nuance’s” members how Viktor managed to persuade the photographer to put off the other orders but the next day he was standing in the hall of the museum in front of the boardroom holding the precious violin and the needed photographs in his hands. However the musicians of the famous ensemble “Moscow Virtuosi” with the master Vladimir Spivakov were standing ahead. They were leaving for Spain. Realizing that he was out of time Viktor came up to Mr Spivakov and without confusion persuaded him that he was the next to enter the boardroom where the committee were having the meeting.

         After a couple of days “the Foggy Albion” was welcoming the heroes…

         The first concert was that in an enormous Anglican Cathedral. The feeling of butterflies in the stomachs was so strong that generous Joe Cummins, the representative of the host, presented the musicians with a big bottle of genuine “Napoleon” for them to relieve the stress. The inexperienced “boozers” drank too much by the beginning of the second part but started to realize that when it was already too late. And Viktor was to execute the famous czardas “Monti” at a furious tempo 60/4. In order not to disgrace himself in the last and the fastest part the quick-witted violinist, as if in a burst of emotions, fell to his knees on the stage and finished playing accompanied by the storm of applause drowning the crazy cacophony performed by the light-headed but happy “maestro”.

         Then a series of seventeen concerts in different cities and towns of Great Britain followed. In Sheffield the “Nuance” had the luck to perform a warm-up before the concert of the “Uriah Heep”.  And the concert for the children with the Down’s syndrome was peculiar and funny. “As we went in the hall of the boarding house, – Viktor tells – we saw two hundreds of identical faces. At the most amusing and particular moments of our songs, when we were anticipating bursts of laughter, there was a dead silence. And while we were singing sad and philosophic songs the audience unexpectedly started to roar with laughter. However by the end of the performance we got used to that and even managed to get into contact with the spectators. We simply sang more melancholy songs!”

         But the most uncommon concert took place in a prison camp for recidivists. These were the criminals convicted of killing in the heat of passion serving life-term imprisonments according to the laws of Britain.

         “We were greatly surprised, - tells Dmitry Pushkarev – when from the stage we saw a crowd of well-dressed people showing no signs of interest in us. Each convict was occupied with his own business. Some of them were even hugging drabs sitting in their laps and freely flirting with them. Before the performance we had been explained that the prisoners lived in separate wards which were furnished perhaps even better than our own flats in Russia. All prisoners had rights for women’s visits twice a week and for their hobbies. For example, a former pianist had a piano screwed to the floor in his ward.

         In whole, this concert was better than that in the boarding house. By the middle of the performance we eventually attracted the attention of the convicts and by the end we felt that we belonged – we heard friendly claps and shouts. After the concert some of the convicts asked for our autographs and even our addresses. We were afraid imagining murderers as guests in our homes. But the prison’s administration reassured us telling that the prisoners felt quite good there and that there were no convicts who had escaped in the whole history of the prison. They needed our addresses only to write letters”.

         During the whole British tour Viktor was hoping to visit Cambridge. It had been his dream for a long time as working on the dissertation “Herpes virus’s persistence for schizophrenia patients” Viktor was aware that it was in Cambridge where the scientific research in this field was conducted at the highest level in the world. The leaders of the Anglican community in Kimberley, Tony and Linda, organized a tree-days training in Cambridge for Viktor as Linda’s brother, David, worked in the laboratory of molecular genetics. The workers of the laboratory kept coming up to Viktor examining him with curiosity. He was later told that there had been no other Russians there before. Everyone was surprised that Russians didn’t wear bast shoes and bear fells and were so nice, inquisitive and positive. At that time Viktor had the luck to see a real DNA sequencer and to work in the laboratory on immunoblotting and molecular hybridization techniques improvement. However the result of visiting Cambridge appeared quite unexpected for Viktor and his encirclement – Viktor renounced the defence of his thesis. According to his opinion, the research in Cambridge was already far ahead in progress and spending the whole life on developing a second-rate laboratory in Tomsk would be a short-sighted and even unwise idea.

         To complete the trip the “Nuance” gave several concerts in London. Before one of the performances the musicians were sitting in a pub enjoying the rich unfiltered brown ale. Suddenly every visitor of the pub rushed to the exit. It turned out that a cortege with the Queen of England Elizabeth II was going down the street.  Inspired by the image of the Queen the artists gave their final concert in the famous square by the Royal Opera House, which is also known as "Covent Garden". The permit for the performance of the first Russian music group on the site was given by the major of London who afterwards officially awarded the “Nuance” with a gilded document certified by the London City Hall’s wafer in token of gratitude for the contribution to the cultural Life of the city. The BBC journalists interviewed the Russian musicians about the award. And in the local newspapers a series of articles was published telling that before the “Nuance’s” performance the image of a typical Russian had been associated with Siberian felt boots, meat dumplings and bears and the young talented musicians broke the ice and appeared to be nice gifted boys who managed to win the hearts of the exacting English public.

         The day before the departure the Anglican Church invited the “Nuance” to a symbolic sale. The artists were supposed to pay a few pounds and choose souvenirs as remembrances. This event stayed in the memory of musicians for a long time – one of Tomsk newspapers “Krasnoye Znamya” published a scathing article by Lev Vygon asserting that the Siberian musicians begged in Great Britain and bought second-hand clothing in a marketplace. The falsehood and injustice were outrageous. The ensemble took the matter to court and brought an action against the newspaper defending their honour and dignity. The musicians gained a suit at law. The newspaper representatives and the author of the article had to make a public apology. There could be no other result because of the fact that the “Nuance” received several letters from the Anglican community and the government of the county Surrey upholding the honour of the musicians.

         As the ensemble was leaving London many admirers who had been following the Siberian musicians during the whole tour and visiting their concerts in different cities and towns came to the railway station to see them off. With the sound of the last train’s hooter tears welled into the eyes of grateful Englishmen…


The Music Conservatory Period


         On coming back to Russia, remembering Lev Studen’s advice, Viktor entered the Glinka Novosibirsk State Music Conservatory.

         At first the conservatory’s department was alert and cautious with the young and bold reformer. No academic professor could like it when for the first time in the history of the “Temple of Art” along with Shubert and Donizetti the hits of Elvis Presley and other foreign stars were performed from the stage. However after a few years the students of the conservatory, one after another, started to include their favourite songs of the “Beatles” in their examination materials and when some promising bas asked Viktor to teach him to sing the Joe Dassin’s “Parapluies de Cherbourg” it became clear enough that the new art’s victory was stunning. The academists tried the modern music out and really liked it…

         Before entering the music conservatory Viktor visited a phoniatrist, a doctor specializing in the work of vocal cords. What for? He had a habit of evaluating his abilities before starting something new. He wanted to consult the specialist about the state of the “instrument” he would use for many years.

         How astonished and happy he was when the doctor having examined his mouth exclaimed: “I haven’t seen anything like that before!” It turned out that nature presented the singer with amazing vocal cords. Vocal cords of ordinary tenors look like two parallel thin and short rectangles, those of basses – like two thick and long rectangles and Viktor, as a result of a successful natural mutation, possessed the unique trapezium-structured vocal cords which gave him a possibility to use his voice in an exceptionally great range – from bass to contra-tenor.

         Today Viktor’s dream to sing as a tenor, a baritone and a bass has come true. The range of his voice extends to 3,5 octaves compared with only 2-2,5 octaves characteristic for other professional singers.

         After several years of study Viktor’s personality became even more mysterious for the conservatory public. The amount of rumours and tall tales about him was constantly growing. The most inexplicable thing for the environment was the fact that possessing only an original variety voice Viktor managed to learn the art of the true Italian opera singing ‘Bell Canto” in five years. He was the first to achieve this! One can use the fingers of his right hand to count the world’s real voices of the “Bell Canto” school: Andrea Bocelli, Placido Domingo, Jussi Bjorling, Vladimir Atlantov, Dmitry Hvorostovsky. All these singers, except for Andrea Bocelli, were born with good opera voices which they brought to perfection by means of training.

         Viktor didn’t possess an inborn opera voice but his medical education and liking for solving intellectual riddles helped him to see something which had been hidden from the eyes of people for hundreds of years.

         Studying the works of great Italians (Garcia, Lamperti) and matching them to the observations of the great Russian pathophysiologist Sechenov Viktor cleared up the mystery of the antique Italian school of singing which had disappeared together with the death of the last masters. He even supplemented this secret with his own unique method of teaching based on modern techniques. This method not only gave Viktor a possibility to develop his ‘second” voice but also allowed to teach a young Russian folk music performer. After eight months of study Diana became an opera soprano and won the second place in the international Elena Obrztsova Competition in Moscow. Viktor keeps his method of teaching in secret. However he plans to uncover the secret in some time publishing his own book of teaching vocalism techniques.

         Today Viktor is a Master of Arts and an opera singer according to his music conservatory diploma. Perhaps, he is the only person who can easily sing jazz, pop and rock and at the same time is able to switch his vocal apparatus to opera resonators making his voice ten times louder so that he can sing in any hall without a microphone making no particular efforts. There is also the third variant of his voice – the combination of opera and variety voices. In some songs this effect makes his singing unforgettable. Because of such peculiarities of the singer’s voice and his ability to make his voice ‘fly’ from a deep bass up to high soprano notes the conservatory students would often come up to Viktor and with the greatest admiration ask him: “How do you do that?!”…


First Trials


         After graduation from the music conservatory Viktor came to Moscow to visit the organization “RosConcert” in the old Arbat Street willing to get evaluation for what he achieved during the years of study. At first the officials felt quite ironic about the novice but however directed his CD to an expert for audition. The reaction of a professional was surprising. When the expert came out of the audition studio she immediately asked the question: “Did you sing this yourself?” Later she explained that the higher register still needs to be worked at and the lower and the middle ones have no analogues in Russia and Europe. Viktor was at once suggested to sign a contract with the “RosConcert” and have a tour in PRC. However this wasn’t the plan of the singer. Viktor had his business in Tomsk which he was dedicating much of his time to and which he wasn’t going to give up. Viktor strongly believes that “there can be nothing better than the freedom from the show business mechanism. The real music can be created only by an artist independent of producers and money-making tours”. He is also convinced that there must be the harmony of a soul, a body and a mind as it was in the case of his idol, Leonardo Da Vinci. According to Viktor’s opinion, if art is the only occupation of a person it can lead to devastation of a personality and exhaustion of an artist as well as recurrent creative depressions and an escape from the real life. Switching to exact sciences, financial matters or business projects harmonizes the energy of an organism, balances it and creates the right distribution for it.

         A year after the visit to the “RosConcert” Viktor went on his first European tour with the Symphony Orchestra of Boguslav Davidov, a Polish orchestra conductor, Herbert von Karajan’s pupil. During that period the musicians heard tremendous ovations of public in the best concert halls of France, Switzerland and Germany. In Hollywood Marina Manukjan, the producer of Placido Domingo, as a result of an audition told that there were no other singers like Viktor at that time and made him three offers: a show on a transatlantic liner, several performances in the “Alex Hall” and a performance in the biggest Las Vegas casino – “Venice”. But at that moment Viktor was not ready to leave Russia for a long time as he gave more importance to obligations to his business partners…


“I Sing the Heart Electric”


         On returning to Russia Viktor gave a gala concert in the Novosibirsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre presenting the laser sensity show “I Sing the Heart Electric” with the assistance of Lyudmila Selutina and Konstantin Kostin’s model agency and the participation of Russian and foreign runway models. The biggest opera hall of Russia was absolutely full for the first time. About 3000 people saw the show. Over 100 people performed on the stage. More than 500 people from Tomsk arrived in Novosibirsk using buses, jeeps and even a plane Yak-40. The plane bore a big inscription – Viktor’s name. This was done by Alexander Fleisher, Viktor’s friend, who worked as a deputy director in the Tomsk flight formation.

          After the event the show was called “a magic flight” by the press. The newspapers wrote that the whole audience was under a hypnotic influence of the extraordinary singer’s voice.

         When the show was over one could see the spectators hugging and holding hands, it seemed that everyone felt belonging to one big family. Thousands of smiles and the boundless happiness were lighting up the theatre. Near Viktor’s dressing room there was a queue of 200 people willing to tell about their feelings. Some of them claimed that they didn’t feel the blues anymore, some of them had got rid of headaches but what everyone supported was the feeling of complete happiness and total amazement with such an influence of singing. More than a thousand of people were sharing their emotions with each other in the Theatre’s square and would not leave the place fearing to lose that novel feeling of harmony and pacification.

         “It’s so nice that you sang in Italian! We didn’t have to think about the meaning of the words. The only thing we did was listening to the magic of your voice and the beauty of the language hovering in the sound” – the people kept exclaiming.

         After the show Viktor received a phone call from Olga, the wife of a great Russian Greco-Roman wrestler Alexander Karelin. She asked Viktor to sing her husband’s favourite song “Caruso” at his jubilee in the same theatre. To her question: “How much do we have to pay?” Viktor replied: “I would be honoured to sing for Alexander without any honorarium, but I have one little condition – I would like to have a dinner with your spouse. I’ve heard that he is a master of telling anecdotes”.

         The next day after the jubilee Viktor and Alexander had a night-long talk in a restaurant “Vostok”. Mr Karelin was excellently telling his stories and Viktor was roaring with laughter. Here is one of Alexander’s jokes:

         Examining one of the works of an artist a visitor of his studio asked: “Why does the cow have two udders in this picture?” – “That’s how I see it” was the artist’s reply. “Will you excuse me for my question again, but why does the lady have four breasts in this picture” – asked the surprised visitor again. “That’s how I see it” – answered the thoughtful artist after a meaningful pause. “Then if you have such a terrible eyesight, why on earth do you paint?!” – exclaimed the visitor with compassion”.

         At the jubilee in the Opera Theatre among the other Moscow stars performed Dmitry Malikov. During the final rehearsal he came up to Viktor and tactfully asked: “Did you use your own sound record?” Viktor’s reply was: “I sang with my own voice. I do not lip-synch”. “They do not sing so in Moscow” – continued Dmitry. “I know” – answered Viktor.


BMW Presentation in the “Arkhangelskoye” Estate


         The following year Viktor was invited by Sergei Kupriyanov, the president of the concert organization “Arlekino”, to perform at the presentation of the seventh BMW model in the famous “Arkhangelskoye” Estate near Moscow. The singer sang an exclusive Italian love song - «Ja la sento» and became one of the most highly-paid performers in Russia.

         Aleksey Yeremich, Viktor’s first art-director and his good friend, tells: “When we arrived we saw an amazing spectacle! There were giant white marquees on the emerald green grass with the antique Russian tsars’ estate as a background. Inside the marquees one could find enormous tables with unbelievable amounts of exquisite foods on them. The paths for the spectators were covered with artificial snow which was miraculously glimmering in the light of hundreds of candles. It was a magic summer night”.

         The presentation was supposed to be visited by several hundreds of the richest people in Moscow. In order to make a brilliant display of their production the company spent over $1,5 million on the show. The highlight of the programme was Viktor’s performing one of the most difficult songs of Andrea Bocelli’s repertoire to the accompaniment of international competitions laureate, associate professor Marina Reznikova. The stage was decorated in a techno style. According to the stage director’s plan, the piano was place in the grass and Viktor was personifying a deity in a starry white cape. And behind him there was a trapeze artist who was tumbling supported by a twenty meters crane. The whole performance took place under the starry sky lighted up by stroboscopes and searchlights.

         Before the beginning of the show Sergei Kupriyanov came up to Viktor and asked him to perform so that he could sway the audience to the fullest. Viktor replied: “I will do my best. To electrify such a passive audience with only one song makes me feel a sporting interest!”

         After a procession of camels and dances of oriental beauties Viktor’s turn to perform came. At that moment in the marquees one could hear loud voices and laughter of the movers and shakers. The silence of the night air was broken by clinking of glasses, whining of forks scraping plates and rhythmic crunching of a hundred of jaws gulping down the luxurious foods.

         Viktor had never performed in front of such an audience. But the magic of music is all-powerful. After the first bars played by the best Russian accompanist the noise abated a little. And with the first notes of the brilliant Italian “Bell Canto” the noise died down, and a perfect silence reigned over the estate. Only the music and the voice were holding sway over the public bating their breaths and majestically shimmering vehicles.

         The voice was telling a story about an unfortunate wretch holding his dying beloved who stayed faithful to him till the last day in his arms. The voice was telling how the young soul was gradually leaving the beautiful body. At the moment of rapture the voice broke for a second … and then soared in the final passage. A simultaneous exhalation followed. The sound of the piano had already subsided and the voice was still mournfully sustaining the final note tinged with marvellous falsetto overtones until it came to a hardly heard pianissimo.

         Remembering no statuses or social elite’s rituals in a common burst of joy the audience rushed to the singer. Their faces were lit up with happy, almost childish naпve smiles.

         After the show Viktor heard numerous words of gratitude from the organizers. They had never witnessed such a transformation of that much sophisticated public. They had never touched upon the grandeur of the real art…


A New Year Concert in the Reception House of the Russian Government


         At the turn of the year 2006 Viktor together with other Russian stars (Nikolay Baskov, Alexander Serov, Kristina Orbakaite and others) was invited by the officials of the Grand Kremlin Palace to take part in the New Year concert in the Reception House of the Russian Government.

         After the concert which had been announced a great event in the country’s cultural life some of the Government members asked for a CD of the singer unknown in Russia but popular abroad. They were surprised that Viktor had more than 200 musical compositions of Russian and foreign classical music and more than 50 pop, rock, R&B, and fusion songs of his own authorship in his repertoire and, however, had not released a CD in Russia. His only Italian album was being broadcast over the Chicago and London radio.

         Viktor’s reply to all questions was that “a song must “be born” at the beginning of a concert and “die” at the end of it lingering in the memory of its listeners forever. Recording a CD is very responsible. You will never have a possibility to change the record. And if you realize in some years that your CD is not perfect, you will not be able to withdraw the whole number of copies”.

         Nevertheless, today Viktor feels that he has reached a very high level in his musical and creative development and he can not hide his music anymore. At the moment two absolutely different CDs of this master are being worked at. They are so diverse that it’s hard to believe that they belong to one and the same singer…


An Accident


         As it was mentioned above, during his studies in the music conservatory Viktor used to drive from Tomsk to Novosibirsk every weekend. Within this period of time he often had to face obstacles which put him to the test. Overcoming them he was gradually developing his character. If none of such cases is mentioned – the personality of the singer will not be revealed.

         Here are Viktor’s recollections:

         “In summer of the year 2001 my bodyguard Aleksey and I were tearing at full speed to Novosibirsk for a rehearsal in a Lexus RX 400h. It was raining hard and there were lakes of water on the road. I didn’t have so much experience in driving at that time for, if I did, I would have definitely reduced the speed to 80 km/h. But you will never know how important it is to think before acting until you get into trouble. So, having fuelled the car to the fullest at a service station near the Proskokovo - settlement, we rushed at the speed of 160 km/h in the direction of the Lebjazhje-Asanovo - settlement.  There were about 500 metres left to the highway exit when the car suddenly became uncontrollable and turning clockwise zipped along to a concreted rail with a furcation sign. Within a few seconds the events of my whole life flared up in my memory. I felt that the next moment our lives would either be ended or we would survive if the right decision was taken…

         As to the right of the car there was the rail with a four-metre ravine and a ploughed field behind it the common sense was telling me to direct the car to the left in order to fly the post by and stay on the road. But miraculously I realized that I would not be able to do so due to the laws of physics. Without thinking I steered the wheels as right as possible thus accelerating the turning towards the post. As a result after two seconds the car hit the rail having made a 90 degrees turn. So the rear entrance was crushed instead of a head-on impact which could cause the engine to fly into the inside of the car. Due to the unthinkable impact force the rail turned down and practically cut the car into halves. The turned rail acted as a springboard: the remains of the distorted sedan flew to the ravine, the wound rear twirling in the air, and the bonnet slipping down. So the two-ton car made a 360 degrees turn in the air, hit the ground with its cut rear and then on its top covered the distance of 200 metres along the field.

         Strangely, there was no fear. Such “luxury” can not be afforded when your own life and the life of your friend are in danger. During the whole moment of floating in the air the same voice from the inside that had helped to reach the right decision was persistently taunting us with a scoffing irony. The minute before the accident we were discussing delicious Uigur pancakes with curds that were served in a cafй near the Bolotnoye – village. The moment we were rushing towards the post the voice was saying: “Not to the post! Not to the post!” When the car flew into the air and started to revolve the voice exclaimed: “Oh! That’s the sky! …” and after a moment: “Oh! That’s the ground!” And when the car was sliding down the field on its top our heads pressed against the roof the voice muttered: “The main thing is not to bump against a stump!” And finally, when it was clear that we stayed alive the voice said ironically: “Oh my! That’s how we ate the pancakes! The main thing now is not to have the tank burst!”

         When we were getting out of the car having undone the safety belts with difficulty we saw a ring of tens of people who were slowly approaching the smoking Lexus believing that no one inside had survived. An exclamation of astonishment and gladness was heard from the witnesses when they noticed the live passengers crawling out. Among the gawkers there was a detachment of a special police squad who were returning after drills from Novosibirsk to Tomsk. They immediately gave us pure alcohol to drink to relive the stress and after 20 minutes we were sitting in a police jeep UAZ-469 which was going to Tomsk. “You are from our lot now because you have gone through a “baptism of fire” as we did in Afghanistan!” – said the soldiers. “At first we thought that they were shooting an action film when we saw a car torn to pieces rotating in the air!”

         The analysis of the accident’s causes showed that road workers drilled a deep gap, a car-wheel-wide and three meters-long. The rain flooded it and when the wheels of our car got right to its brink the two right tire casings were at once cut. That’s why the car dashed right. The tank didn’t burst by a lucky accident – a badly tightened clamp of the accumulator got lost because of the impact and the car was de-energized.

         In general, this situation, its causes as well as what helped to overcome it can be interpreted differently. Apparently, the right decision and good luck were the two things that saved us. Interestingly enough, later I found several icons in the glove compartment which had been put there by my ex-wife Larisa”…


Business the Way Russians Do It


         After graduation from the Tomsk State Medical University and two years of working as a specialist in the field of biological psychiatry at the Mental Health Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor decided to give up his scientific career and build his own business. This step was caused by two major reasons. First of all, the state finance of the scientific research was significantly cut due to a hard state of the country’s economy. Secondly, the subject of his dissertation “Herpes virus’s persistence for schizophrenia patients” in the process of developing the thesis lost its urgency in his eyes. The experiments did not prove the interconnection between a virus titre and the seriousness of the disease. But the university officials insisted on the defence of the thesis. Representatives of the fundamental science are not so much interested in truth. The main thing taken into account is the number of candidates who can further become doctors of science and professors. However Viktor regarded this as slyness and felt the uselessness of such an approach. He was used to do only that what was useful. He was absolutely not interested in getting a degree by means of juggling with experiments.

         Viktor’s starting his business meant the foundation of the biggest household appliances supplier in Russian – the company “Tomtex” and later the biggest furniture supplier in the country – the company “Tomterra”.

         So how was the company called “a company-phenomenon” by the “Kommersant Daily” created? What was phenomenal was that the company appeared out of nowhere, without any initial capital and it took it only a year to become one of the biggest furniture suppliers in Russia and CIS having 17 branch offices in big cities of Russia and Kazakhstan and monthly importing 60 goods vans from Lithuania which corresponded to 6000 furniture assemblage sets a month.

         As far back as in the last years of study at the university Viktor thought about a brilliant career and financial independence. Since his childhood it had been really difficult for him to submit to somebody especially to somebody who had no authority in his eyes because of the intellectual level or outlook differences.  So working at the Mental Health Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences and having no prospects there Viktor accepted Eduard Bondarenko’s offer to create the “Tomtex” - group together.

         Viktor was surprised by his first visit to the “office” of the company as it was a room in the hotel “Sputnik”. He saw two yesterday’s students willing to make money somehow. Viktor tried to ask them about their achievements and progress but the guys hurried to change the subject. “Ok, we’ll have to start from scratch” – Viktor thought to himself.

         Viktor had no idea how to start. It happened so that the first evening Viktor spent in the office there was a phone call from Ukraine. Somebody asked if there was a batch of “Marlboro” cigarettes in stock at that moment. Without hesitating Viktor assured the interlocutor that they did have a batch of “Marlboro”, thinking to himself: “How can a person stay in such a hotel without a bulk of cigarettes?”

         After 30 minutes of conversing Viktor suddenly understood that the person he was talking to was Stephan Tikhonenko, the leader of the Tomsk ancient music ensemble “Camerata” whom Viktor got acquainted to during his foreign tour. The conversation immediately got a confidential character. Stephan was speaking for some rich Ukrainian businessman. Having recognized Viktor he relaxed as he was sure that his old friend would not let him down. Viktor asked Stephan to call back in an hour. After that Viktor made a call to his native town Barnaul. He wanted to contact the person he got acquainted to after finishing school during a horse riding trip across Altai. As far as Viktor remembered, this person went right into consumer goods business. One can only wonder at such a coincidence but the businessman Alexander was offering a batch of “Marlboro” cigarettes at a good price at that moment! So after an hour the bargain was closed. Viktor announced that he and his partners who were staring at him in amazement had earned their first $20000. Later on Viktor modestly appropriated only 25% of the profit to himself. That’s how Viktor’s free life of work started.

         And six month later the name “Tomtex” was known everywhere in the country as the name of a corporation supplying office equipment from Singapore to Russia


The Indian Story


         Viktor’s relationships with India can be called symbolic. A year before his trip to Delhi Viktor, being a young businessman, made an acquaintance with the Indian Sikhs whose business spread to India, Canada, Singapore and Taiwan.

         In the representative office of the company “Takral International” in Moscow Viktor conducted the first six-hour negotiations with Gurdip, the company’s joint owner. During the negotiations the Sikh kept occasionally becoming silent and looking into his Siberian interlocutor’s eyes for long periods of time. Viktor remembers: “His enormous deep black eyes made me feel creepy all over. It was absolutely impossible to understand what he was thinking about. This effect was intensified by a bracelet, a comb in his long hair, a dagger, a grey beard, a big moustache and exotic national garments – a kurta and a turban”.

         At the end of the negotiations Anna, the interpreter and Moscow director of the company, said to Viktor: “Gurdip asks if you would like to get two goods vans with “Sony” television sets for sale. As a guarantee you will have to make a verbal assurance of repayment of the credit immediately after the realization”.

         Viktor could not believe his ears! An interest-free credit without any guarantees! That was unbelievable! However a month later two vans with new generation TV sets arrived to the “Tomsk2” railway station. It got clear that there was nothing impossible in this world.

         Later on there came deliveries of antibiotics and pain relievers from India. It was not so difficult to offer such precious products to Russian pharmaceutical companies at half-price as there was a lack of them in the country.

         After several years Viktor asked Gurdip why he had taken the risk of entrusting his goods to an unfamiliar young man who had graduated from university not so long ago and had not a penny to bless himself with. The Sikh answered: “It was not a risk. Symbols on stones”. Having consulted a translator Viktor learned that the Sikh had profound knowledge of psychology, was deeply faithful and believed in one God and human will. He saw Viktor’s resemblance to the face of the ideal generalized character created by representations of Indian people. The features of this character were represented in the pictures of Buddha, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, Buddhism and Judaism gods.

         Viktor was deeply impressed by the essence of Sikh religion. In his opinion, Sikhism is the only religion which does not lose touch with reality and its values are extremely close to universal understanding of ethics and morals. Viktor accepts the basic dogmata of Sikhism in his soul. Perhaps, that’s the reason why the Sikhs were not mistaken when choosing him as a representative of the Russian culture…




            The Sikhs believe in one God. Sikhism advocates the pursuit of salvation through disciplined, personal meditation on the name and message of God.

            The essence of Sikh teaching is summed up by these words: "Realization of Truth is higher than all else. Higher still is truthful living". Sikh teaching emphasizes the principle of equality of all humans and rejects discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, and gender.

            In Sikhism, God is shapeless, timeless, and sightless. God is omnipresent and infinite. Sikhs believe that before creation, all that existed was God and its will or order. When God willed, the entire cosmos was created.

            While a full understanding of God is beyond human beings, Sikhism describes God as not wholly unknowable. God is omnipresent in all creation and visible everywhere to the spiritually awakened. The religion stresses that God must be seen from "the inward eye", or the "heart", of a human being: devotees must meditate to progress towards enlightenment. Sikhism emphasizes the revelation through meditation, as its rigorous application permits the existence of communication between God and human beings.

            Sikh teachings are founded not on a final destination of heaven or hell, but on a spiritual union with God which results in salvation. The chief obstacles to the attainment of salvation are social conflicts and an attachment to worldly pursuits, which commit men and women to an endless cycle of birth — a concept known as reincarnation.

            In Sikhism, the influences of ego, anger, greed, attachment, and lust — known as the Five Evils — are believed to be particularly pernicious. The fate of people vulnerable to the Five Evils is separation from God.

            Salvation can be reached only through rigorous and disciplined devotion to God. Devotion must take place through the heart, with the spirit and the soul. According to Sikhs the supreme purpose of human life is to reconnect with Truth. However, our Ego is the biggest disease in the reunion with Truth and God and the solution to this disease also lies within human ego (mind and body). Human body is just a means to achieve the reunion with Truth. Truth is a form of matter which lies within human body but is beyond the realm of time or death. Once truth starts to shine in a person’s heart, the essence of current and past holy books of all religions is understood by the person [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikhism].

            Viktor also believes that a man does not start a life from scratch – all people continue their existence when they are born. A person’s family background, a country he is born in, his nationality – all that determines his individuality. But in addition, he is given his will and so he is responsible for what he does. He can use his will to change the given character or neutralize his past. God gives people strength and energy but does not free them from responsibility.

            Inside a person there is an infinite depth and a man is able to see his own ignorance and sins himself, through the light he finds in his soul.

            A sense of one’s own identity is the lowest level of consciousness which is present even among animals. Extending the scopes of our consciousness we start to treat others as a part of ourselves. We walk up to the level of our families, to the level of society, to the level of Nature and finally to the level of God…


            That is how a young graduate of the Medical University started his business. After some time the Sikhs invited Viktor to India. He will always keep that trip in his memory: “My first impression was the amazement caused by my hotel room. The five-star hotel in the centre of Delhi had its rooms decorated with coloured natural stones”.  Viktor had never seen such a luxury. Moreover, as a guest invited by the government he did not have to pay for his stay.

         The next day he was introduced to the Indian йlite. During that evening the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Sports and the Fleet Admiral of India Kurana made an acquaintance with him. But all that was not the main thing. Viktor was given the warmest welcome by the Admiral’s daughter, Ravina Kurana. Within a couple of days their likings grew into a whirlwind romance. Ravina introduced Viktor to an йlite Indian golf-club and showed him the sights of the city. Viktor got one of the strongest impressions after visiting the Taj Mahal palace in Agra which is included in the list of the Seven Wonders of the World. This temple is a symbol of unearthly love and reminds of a beautiful story…


Taj Mahal


            In the 17th century in the northern part of modern India lived an Emperor Shah Jahan who, being a real Muslim, had a harem of wives and concubines. But only one girl could win his heart. In 1612 nineteen-year-old Arjumand Banu Begam became his fourth and beloved wife. Because of her unearthly beauty the shah called her Mumtaz Mahal which means “a lofty minion of the palace”.

            Seventeen years the pair of sweethearts lived in peace and harmony. Beautiful Mumtaz was admired not only by Jahan, but by common people as well. Being so merciful, responsive, modest and faithful she soon became the first woman who took part in the management of state affairs. The beloved of the shah gave birth to thirteen heirs. And in 1629 the birth of the fourteenth child was darkened by a bitter grief – Mumtaz died.

            Right before her death she asked Jahan to honour two requests of hers – not to get married again and to build a unique and inimitable burial vault for her. The shah implemented the will of his beloved. He ceased to notice women around him and built the mausoleum Taj Mahal, which is translated from Persian as “a crown palace”.

            On the outskirts of Agra on the right bank of the river Jamuna rose a majestic snow-white marble palace with a sleeping beauty inside. It took more than twenty years to construct the palace which was designed with the participation of the shah himself and more than twenty thousands of workers and architects from every corner of the globe took part in the construction works…

            Now the walls of white polished marble are twined with an elegant carving.  The whole palace is inlayed by shining iridescent jewels. Because of the unique properties of marble the mausoleum possesses a magic characteristic – under the rising Sun it seems pastel pink, at noon it dazzles, at the sunset it burns with gold and at night it glitters like silver.

            Due to the intense heat (Agra is the hottest city in India) the steam rising from the ground creates an illusion that the palace is floating on air as if it’s the soul of beautiful Mumtaz…


Pierre Cardin’s Show


         The most exciting event of Viktor’s visit to Delhi was Pierre Cardin’s fashion night.

         On Indian Parliament’s invitation the legendary French couturier came to Delhi with an unforgettable show. The only people who could witness the show were the Parliament’s members, their families and friends. Viktor had the luck to be present at the show as well. Here is how he describes the event:

         “After dark we arrived at the entrance of a fortified wall. We went through antique gates carved and inlayed with gemstones and found ourselves in a wonderful garden of blossoming tropical trees. We saw beautified elephants with small pavilions on their backs. Inside the pavilions one could find young Hindus in bright garments holding baskets with rose leaves. The elephants were hurling their trunks back drawing the leaves in and then generously strewing the guests with a “pink rain”. We walked to the edge of a giant pit which appeared to be a real volcano’s crater. Far below there was an iridescent stage. The chairs rowed right on the clinkers seemed a- small-coin sized from above. The crater was edged with ruins of some ancient castles lit up by colourful lights. A twisting stone stairway cut in the rock was leading down the crater. Everything was magically affecting the guests’ minds.

         When the plateau was packed with a thousand of people a laser fashion show began. It seemed that aliens were walking on the stage in glaring costumes of queer forms made of some unknown material. Video filming or taking pictures was forbidden but I managed to sneak a camera in the coat of my suit and to film the startling performance.

         When the show was over I was introduced to the great fashion maestro. This magical night gave me a long-lasting inspiration and became a source of many creative ideas for me”…


The Pillar of Happiness


         During a walk around Delhi the next day Viktor and Ravina came up to the famous iron “Pillar of Happiness”. This monument has been existing for more than 3000 years but it still hasn’t become rusty although it contains 99,72% of iron. For scientists it remains a big question why there still has not appeared even a thin wash of rust on the surface of the pillar so far.

         There exists a belief that if someone manages to encompass the pillar with outstretched arms standing with his back to it he will have a happy life and all his dreams will come true.

         There was a queue near the pillar. People kept pressing themselves to the polished surface of the pillar trying to make at least their fingertips to close up behind it. However no one was able to do so.

         When Viktor’s turn came he easily coped with the challenge (the spread of the newly-made pilgrim’s arms made 204 cm). The moment his fingers touched with each other something unbelievable began! Hundreds of people who were present there rushed to the “happy man” in order to touch him. And when one of them glanced at Viktor’s left hand and muttered something to the others an awesome silence fell. A low voice uttered: “Mahatma, Mahatma!” The pilgrims united in a close circle around Viktor and Ravina and started to pray. For more than an hour they would not let the couple go.

         Viktor learned afterwards that “Mahatma” is translated from Hindi as “a great soul”. Hindus use this word to call people who have developed such extraordinary abilities and have reached such levels of spiritual knowledge which can be available for ordinary people only after countless numbers of transformations on the way to cosmic evolution if they don’t run counter to targets of nature and don’t destruct themselves.

         What the pilgrim saw in Viktor’s left palm was the confluence of heart and head lines which is one of the signatures of a Mahatma. Viktor was aware of such a peculiarity of his hands. Studying at the Medical University during one of the lectures on dermatoglyphics Viktor was attentively listening to professor Ilyinskikh who was telling about structures of skin patterns and mentioned a rare phenomenon of heart and head lines confluence. He stated that such mutations appear to be one in a million cases and that in India people believe that if a newly-born baby is put on the left hand of such a “mutant” he is apt to live a happy life. Viktor immediately glanced at his left palm and discovered the anomaly. The professor was extremely perplexed.

         However this was not the end of the story. The next day the student received a parcel from his granny who lived in Barnaul. The contents of the parcel were quite usual – pickles and preserves, but they were covered by a magazine “Zdorovie”. How great Viktor’s amazement was when in that magazine he found an article with a picture of a palm with the same pattern! The article described in detail the same Indian story. As it appeared later Viktor’s grandmother used the magazine quite by chance in order to compact the parcel.

         Commenting upon this story a few years later Viktor said: “The East is too delicate. The most important thing is to treat its customs and traditions respectively and positively and not to lose touch with reality. No one can reach the peak of perfection. But everyone must strive for it”…


The Corporation “Tomterra”


         The romanticism of Viktor’s first business experience in “Tomtex” vanished after a year. Because of his charismatic nature Viktor attracted rich foreigners who didn’t doubt his honesty and sold great interest-free consignments for realization. But Viktor was unaware of such human vices as meanness, greediness and betrayal. He had never encountered them and had never had such great sums of money.

         The firm’s director Eduard Bondarenko and its financial officer Dmitry Buznik along with Ilya Tupitsin, a former black marketeer, sold the batch of TV-sets for $300000 and transferred the money to some unknown accounts in Great Britain. Bluntly speaking, they swindled Viktor and his Indian partners. Later on Eduard Bondarenko didn’t pay $500000 to a Turkish company for a barge of realized oranges. In telephone conversations with the indignant suppliers he asserted that the oranges rotted during the transportation.

         At that hard time creditors dealt with debtors shortly. So the Turks asked some Tomsk criminals to annihilate Eduard Bondarenko. Happily for him, the criminals appeared to be Viktor’s acquaintances. Formerly Viktor had been tutored acupuncture by the leader of the group Alexander Vershinin who had an alias Chinese. Two years Viktor combined his study at the Medical University and his work in the hospital where Chinese treated hundreds of people as he knew unique secrets of Tibetan masters. But Viktor was unaware of hidden criminal relations of Alexander Vershinin and that, according to the language of law, he was a criminal authority in the whole West-Siberian region. When Viktor found out the truth he was shocked and decided to quit acupuncture and leave his tutor after three years of practice. Nevertheless, Chinese kept a respectful attitude to Viktor and always lent an attentive ear to his words. He asked Viktor to decide the fate of Eduard Bondarenko. Being a humanist by nature and considering life the most appreciated value Viktor, certainly, dissuaded Chinese from taking an extreme action and explained that Eduard Bondarenko had no money anyway. However Viktor asked Alexander Vershinin to make Eduard Bondarenko “creep to him, apologize for cheating foreigners and beg forgiveness”. So it happened. The humiliated and frightened trickster gave up his habit of buncoing. He left for Germany, lived there by his relatives for some years, and then suddenly revealed himself in Tomsk again having named himself Eduard Merker (using his mother’s surname).

         Today Eduard Merker owns a plastic surgery clinic which he has purchased for the money stolen from Sikhs and Turks and, as it seems, feels quite comfortable. Well, everybody ought to do his own thing. Yet, probably, sometime such swindlers get their bitters. There must be justice in this world. By the way, to use doctor Merker’s services visit the web-site www.merker.ru.

         Having left the firm “Tomtex” due to the objective reasons stone broke Viktor soon founded his own firm “Corporation Tomterra”. After six month the firm became the biggest furniture importer in Russia according to the “Kommersant Daily” ratings. Within a period of four years the corporation “Tomterra” opened seventeen branch offices in the country. It specialized in selling Lithuanian furniture. During the second year of cooperation with Lithuania “Tomterra” became the number 1 furniture exporter realizing 40% of all furniture produced in the country. Viktor received a letter of commendation from the Lithuanian Ministry of Economy “for saving the national economy”.

         How was such a result obtained? Visiting his comrade Antanas Lukashavjachus in the capital of Lithuania Vilnius Viktor noticed that Lithuanian telephone directories gave more than a hundred numbers of furniture plants. Considering the small sizes of the country’s territory Viktor supposed, and after some time got to know for sure, that in Lithuania there appeared a process of huge overproduction in the basic economic field – furniture industry - after cessation of free trade relations with Russia. Having discovered the high quality of the production and the prices which were three times lower than in Russia Viktor approached the directors of Lithuanian furniture companies. He got an assurance that if he managed to solve the problem of customs duties which made 100% the production would become competitive and Lithuanian factories would supply furniture for realization without prepayment. The problem was solved after six month and Viktor registered the first processing agreement in Russia and the first customs warehouses in Tomsk. That’s the secret of “Tomterra’s” success. Unconventional decisions allowing to excel rivals and to find one’s own market niche are always important in business. “Tomterra” broke off its activity only after four years when Russian legislation was changed and the processing agreement with Lithuania expired.

         In the same period Viktor successfully realized one more project which was extremely important for Russia. With the assistance of academicians A.D. Ado and V.V. Novitsky a new textbook on pathophysiology for medical universities of the whole former Soviet territory was published for the first time in the period of twenty years. Thirty thousands of copies of a splendid textbook for those days were published and several republications followed later. The demand was great. And on the glossy back cover of the book there was a picture of all the “Tomterra” founders and their wishes to “Alma Mater”.

         The years of conducting business in “Tomterra” had an important influence on Viktor’s character and professionalism development in the sphere of practical economy. In addition, he made a series of interesting acquaintances and participated in a number of events which altered his attitude to people and to himself and taught him the rules of etiquette and ethics that were not taught anywhere in Russia at that time.

         One of the most memorable events was the arrival of two real billionaires, Darcy from Canada and Amrik from Singapore, in Barnaul and their stay at Viktor’s mother and grandmother’s place. They were the Sikhs whom Viktor continued to cooperate with in different spheres of business. They were interested in antlers of young Altaian stags. Lyudmila, Viktor’s mother, still recollects “these unbelievably rich people capering like kids in a four-roomed Khrushchev-flat”. They were really amazed at the things Russians were accustomed to – a gas fryer, leaking taps, a toilet pan with a chain and a handle. They literally fell in love with Russian Schi and Borsch which Galina, Viktor’s granny, could cook perfectly.

         Viktor still has to stifle his laughter when he tells about his trip to the mountains in search of antlers together with the foreigners. As it appeared later the real antlers the businessmen were interested in had never been found in the Altai region. So the travellers and Viktor flew from Barnaul to Vilnius in order to buy a couple of wood-working combines in Vilnius and Klaipeda. In Lithuania the businessmen had success and after Viktor had prepared everything for the bargain a part of a seaport in Klaipeda and a wood-working combine in Vilnius became the Canadian possession.

         During the business trip communicating with Darcy and Amrik in huge deluxe suites Viktor noticed for the first time that his humble little travelling bag with personal care items could not be compared with enormous trunks of cosmetics for men the billionaires were travelling with. Seeing Viktor’s surprised expression Darcy commented that “a person’s care about his appearance should be equal to his respect to himself and to the respect he wishes to get from the others”. Viktor learned this lesson for the rest of his life…


The Biotechnological Complex


         One day after a lesson at the music conservatory Eugeny Burunov, Viktor’s acquaintance, told him about a miracle-working book by Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich”. “This book is going to change your mind!” – said Eugeny. At that moment Viktor’ processing agreement with Lithuania was suspended. He had to give up his furniture business. What he needed was to find his own market niche which could allow breaking through.

         Viktor got down to studying the recommended book with a great enthusiasm. Having finished reading he really realized some of the mistakes he had made in his life and business. After a while of reconsideration Viktor started to implement the idea of building the first Russian biotechnological complex for grain crops processing which accidentally came to his mind. In order to build a business-plan he had to study all existing foreign sources of literature on the topic of this field of industry and to visit a lot of design institutes of Russia, Ukraine and USA. After a year the business plan was ready. With the assistance of the Small Scale Business Supporting Fund of the Tomsk region and his director Vladimir Vlasov the project was directed to Moscow’s Federal Small Scale Entrepreneurship Supporting Fund. As a result of a half-year appraisal the project got federal financing and afterwards it was supported by Viktor Kress, the governor of the Tomsk region. The realization of the project lasted five years. The project became the greatest food industry project in the region. In the year 2003 the plant was opened and it started to launch highly remunerative products. Viktor was at the head of the complex from the beginning of the construction works up to the enterprise’s operation at full capacity. Within this period of time the super-luxe grade food alcohol which had no analogues in the country was turned out. This sort of alcohol got the gold medal of the International Academy for Quality in Saint-Petersburg and Viktor was conferred the degree of an international academician. Moreover, Viktor was the first in Russia to produce cereal food yeast – high-protein foodstuff of the future - without usage of sugar production waste. Before that moment this product had never been manufactured, it had only been produced in laboratories as nourishment for astronauts. The peculiarity of such yeast is that it can be kept out of a fridge and preserve useful properties for a month. If baked on the basis of such yeast, bread doesn’t get stale for two weeks. In addition, this product is ecologically clean whereas conventional yeast possesses a certain degree of toxicity.

         Of all the bright events of those years the most memorable for Viktor was his meeting with a representative of the World Bank, an imposing Italian and a doctor of economy.

         One winter day the above-mentioned Italian came to the plant territory on call of the region administration. Viktor was waiting for him in the spacious director-general’s office. After they met Viktor offered the foreigner Russian Vodka but he refused. Soon after the beginning of the conversation the banker started to put pressure on Viktor assuring that it was impossible to build such a gigantic plant using eight times less funds than it was necessary in Europe. 

         “The laws of economy are universal” – said the foreign expert arrogantly, - “Miracles are impossible”.

         The latter phrase piqued Viktor.

         “Ok” – he answered, - “Have you ever thought about the fact that sometimes such things can happen in our lives that seemed absolutely inconceivable only five minutes earlier? For example, can you believe now that being at the Tomsk biotechnological plant, in the director’s office, you will hear that director singing any aria you would like him to sing in a perfect Italian using the ancient “Bell Canto” techniques? “

         The banker looked at Viktor as if he was a seriously diseased person and sympathetically uttered:

         “Of course, I will never believe in such nonsense!”

         “All right. Then make out your order!” – Viktor parried.

         The aria his visitor chose - “Dicitincello vuje” (Falvo) - appeared to be elementary for Viktor. He stood in the centre of his enormous office-room and sang with his unbelievably beautiful timbre in a perfect Italian.

         The most interesting thing was the process of changing of the stiff foreigner’s expression. At first he winced, then wiped his misted glasses and, finally, burst into tears. He was so deeply shocked that after the end of the aria he could not speak for a while. The first words the foreigner uttered were: “Could you pour me your alcohol?” The aged expert drank a third of a glass with Tomsk alcohol and still overcoming his emotions said:

         “I have never seen or heard anything similar in my entire in life! You, Russians, are a real mystery for me. And if the director of the plant can without any preparations sing an aria in Italian no worse than the best soloists of “La Scala” in Milan do, then building a gigantic plant eight times cheaper than in Europe is just a snap for you”.

          After that the economist paternally hugged his young Siberian opponent who managed to radically change his world outlook and left a deep mark in his life…


High Tech


         Today Viktor can rarely be seen performing on stage and participating in concerts. This fact is connected with an extreme demand for him in the highly intellectual engineering business. He is a member of the council of experts in the field of biotechnologies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. He develops various projects in the high tech sphere on a national scale and makes calculations which bring closer the Future. He has already realized the projects of a biotechnological complex, of new ozonization technologies for public swimming pools, of a revolutionary technology for cold preservation of heavy-oil products, of a technology for producing yeast lysate as nutrition of the Future. At the moment on the basis of his projects new ecological programs are being introduced at the energy objects of the country. Leonardo Da Vinci lessons were not in vain!

         In 2010 some of the sport facilities projects created by Viktor’s projecting institute “ROSSPETSPROEKT” won the first and the third places in the national contest of the best mass sports projects organized by Russian Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy and the political party “United Russia”. Viktor was the one to develop the entire projects and to lead the process of their realization by the institute’s specialists.


The Code of Life


         Nowadays, having gained wide experience in business, Viktor challenges many of Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie’s ideas and the American psychology of success as a whole. In his opinion, these “three apostles” of the American dream in reality can have a wrecking influence on people’s psychic. A person’s whole life is aimed at the much-talked about success which is measured only by money and fame. Nothing is said about the most important things that a person needs – happiness and love.

         According to Napoleon Hill’s advice, people should set the most unbelievable goals, cultivate a burning desire for reaching those goals at any cost, and imagine gobs of money at night as if they already possessed them. But in reality when millions of people do not get the desired result disappointment, depression and the feeling of dissatisfaction start to seize them which results in shootings at schools, in offices and in the streets. In practice an illusive dream is fulfilled only in rear cases by highly gifted people who, unfortunately, belong to the minority.

         Viktor suggests his own method of gaining success: “One should always set real and feasible goals basing on the knowledge and talents of a particular person, on his professionalism. In addition to that, there should always be a dream-goal the achievement of which is practically impossible. Having these two types of goals leads to gradually attaining constant success and strengthening of a person’s confidence in his abilities, competence and importance. And having a dream lets a person always have a possibility to find the answer to the eternal question of the purpose of life as he still has something to strive for, no matter the circumstances. However the most important thing for a person is to understand that a dream is a dream, and it can or can not be fulfilled”.

         In Dale Carnegie’s works Viktor sees the following inaccuracies:

         “The book tells much about how to become a friend to a right person at any cost. First of all, it’s cynical to try to stir up warm feelings in a person you actually don’t like, whom you need only to take advantage of his professional opportunities, social status and connections. And, secondly, Dale Carnegie does not consider the cases when the “right person” appears an immoral negative type or an imperious psychopath. It would be curious to try applying Carnegie’s techniques of making friends in such a case. Here copying your opponent’s pose or gestures simply won’t do as he will not pay attention to you due to his “bad” nature”.

         Instead of such insincere and ineffective techniques Viktor successfully uses the method of “casting away and gathering stones together”.

         “You need to take a sober view of life and should not try to “tame” anyone who is around you and who can help you. There are many people in this world who are “your people”, that is they are suitable for you due to their psycho-physiological peculiarities and they are sure to like you when you meet and to feel a desire to help you. However there are much more people who won’t meet you wishes. Because of the same psychological reasons they will prefer to get away from you as soon as possible. These people are not “yours”. Then why do you need to take a long time to persuade the first comer who is likely to belong to the second type?

         That is why it is advisable to inform as many people as you can about your new undertakings and initiatives. Let it be a distribution of a written presentation of your firm and your services. If your offer is interesting and it has prospects among a thousand of receivers there will surely appear tens of your potential partners. Moreover these partners will be scattered all over your city or, perhaps, all over your country. So what is better? Flying across the country and spending much money and time for negotiations or clearly formulating the advantages of your offer, giving it an effective form, printing a thousand copies and sending them to every corner of the country using the database of all your potential clients?”


         On the basis of his unique experience in business and his knowledge of people’s behaviour psychology, and having summarized everything he got during his trips to 50 different countries, Viktor formulated his own Code of Life and Success:


-         You should always focus on positive thoughts;

-         Gather only those people around you who wish you well and always wish other people well in turn;

-         Concentrate on the most important thing, do not spread yourself too thinly;

-         Always set real goals in your life and do your best to reach them constantly improving your plan. But don’t forget about your main goal – the dream of your life. If you stay  faithful to it - sometime it may come true;

-         Always be a specialist in your field. Whatever you do – do it better than your competitors;

-         Do not cease to study, develop yourself and get new education and knowledge that you need. Stay persistent, patient, hardworking and consistent;

-         Never let such human vices as avidity, hatred, envy and pride seize you. They are simply unfavourable and can perniciously influence your personality;

-         Never mind the “public opinion”. It simply does not exist. Your opinion is the voice of your heart and mind;

-         Do not trust the mass-media. Treat them only as sources of information. Always use your head and check the facts up. Remember that if someone tries to persuade you with the help of mass-media, you are not the one who needs that – you are somebody’s  means of defending his interests;

-         Any of your actions (not in a case of a love affair) should be accompanied by the process of thinking and analyzing (within reasonable limits, of course);

-         Give only that advice which you are sure of and which you have tested yourself;

-         Always be honest. Lying humiliates your personality and makes you put yourself too low;

-         Have a will to say “no” if it is what you feel;

-         Never put up with injustice. This abases your dignity;

-         Be able to fight off the offender’s charge if he humiliates you or someone who can not fight for his own hand;

-         Never follow the principle: “Having received a slap – turn the other cheek”. From the psychological point of view this moral is baneful and a rational person can not accept it;

-         Avoid vengeance. As life shows, revengeful feelings burn you from within. It’s always better to have it out with your opponent at once;

-         Find a way to neutralize all your negative thoughts and emotions. Do not let them linger;

-         Only self-actualization, a labour of love and loved people can make you happy and bring a meaning to your life. Without these things you are nobody, your mind is tangled, depressed and you feel no purpose of your existence;

-         Never forget that life is unique. You will never live your life again. You need to live as long and to be as happy as you can. For this reason your health should be the most important thing for you as your happiness is. Stick to a healthy life-style, eat healthy food, do not become a fat boy. Your youth span directly depends on your thoughts and actions. People grow old only when they are ready for that. Never accept your age – always stay young in your mind. You’ll see that the youth will stay with you and the aging will be waited;

-         If someone calls you to sacrifice your health or even life to some person or some thing, do not yield to the provocation. There can be no such values which are worth risking your health or even life. Sacrificing yourself is a sin and shows only fanaticism and folly. It’s always possible to solve a problem reasonably, amicably, or even to prevent a problem using your intellect;

-         Avoid baseless risks – getting adrenaline, for example. It is silly and shows only lack of imagination, intellect and favourite activity. And if a risk is unavoidable you can always control it if you don’t panic and use your mind;

-         Never lend money to anyone if you want to preserve your relationships with others and to have your own budget. Everyone must earn his living himself. You can only lend some little sums to your friends if you are ready not to get the money back. Try not to have credits at banks because, as life shows, eventually, such credits bring benefits only to a bank, but not to a borrower. It’s better to find some alternative way of earning money using your natural talents and then deposit your profits in a bank at interest. Let a bank work for your benefit.


         Today Viktor’s reference books are “The Alchemist” and “The Manual of the Warrior of Light” by Paulo Coelho, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach and many other masterpieces of modern literature. These works bring light of joy, warmth of human knowledge and love to the world. They give a supply of positive energy, create a good mood and waken a wish to live and to create.


         In spite of his great achievements in intellectual business Viktor can not imagine himself without music. He will soon start his promotion in the Russian show-business…
